Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lily Auction seeds planted

My helper, Cleo

the most recent seedlings, lots of Mahieu crosses here.

One of the two racks just planted

First seeds started in the garage

List of the crosses purchased off the Lily Auction

Orchid Corsage X Stargate Portal
Wings on High X Stringbean
Sdlg X Stunned by Grace
Sdlg X lavender blue baby
Sdlg X Carribean Whipped Cream
Sdlg X Barbara Mitchell
Sdlg X Harbor Boy
Sdlg X Others
Portrait in Red X Space Coast Sea Shells
Portrait in Red X Virtuosity
Portrait in Red X Arctic Lace
Portrait in Red X Northern Dawn
Portrait in Red X Joan Derifield
America's Most Wanted X Goldenzella
Antique Linen X Sky Island
How Beautiful Heaven Must Be X Hillbilly Heart
Going Bananas X Cold Blue Breeze
Raspberry Beret X Gavin Petit
Thundering Ovation X Debussy
Border Music X Jane Lough
Passion District X Jay Farquarh
On the Avenue X Hrbgirl's Cherry Moonshine
Eye Zones Northern Hardy
Admirals Gold X Virtuosity
Choctaw Chick X Luna
Cat Dancer X Jungle Fowl
Big Kiss X Northern Dancer
Sandy Ellis X Heavenly Curls
Wind Master X String Theory
St-Not X Chin Whiskers
Exotic Treasure X Blue Lake
Cs 306 X White Stripes
Victorian Lace X Miss P
Chicago Ruby X Stringbean
Beguiled Again X Stringbean
Decatur Cherry Smash X Court Musician
Evermore Lights X Seventy Times Seven
Evermore Lights X Foxpoint
South Seas X Rock Solid
Roses and Gold X Red Volunteer
Washingtons Farwell X Suzannes Jewel
Wings on High X Stringbean2
Orient X White Stripe
Landsend X Baby Blue Eyes
Inky Fingers X Free Wheelin
Sdlg 46 (T x ER) x Stargate Portal
Margo Reed Indeed X Pink Stripes
green rainbow X green inferno
Mountain top experience X Suzannes Jewel
Wings of Chance X Suzannes Jewel
Apple Tart X Victorian Principles
Moon Witch X John Peat
Queen Kathleen X Green Inferno
Racing Stripes X Pink Stripes
Rosy Returns X Blue Oasis
Spacecoast Starburst X John Peat
Spacecoast Starburst X Light Years Away
Sherry L Carr X Angelique Fringes
Sherry L Carr X Northern Dawn
Sambo Wilder X trahlyta
Wellspring of Wisdom X Vertical Horizon
Foxpoint X unknown
Astral Voyager X unknown
Dangling Participle X Purple Cheetah
Indy Misty Love X Pink Stripes
CEXcl-10( Coubtry Excitement X Changing Latitudes) X Banned in Boston
Bahama Butterscotch X ?
Orient X Fancy Face
H506(Happy returns X ?) X White Stripe
Christine Walser Hite X Dragon Fang
Theophilis X Randy Stephens
Forestlake Ragamuffin X ?
Mort Morss X ?
Dragon Dreams X Sexy Sally
Dragon Dreams X Lavender Handlebars
Jester's collar X Persimmone
Jester's Collar X Orchid Forest
Brigade of Butterflies X Magic of Oz
Brigade of Butterflies X Gudrid
Brigade of Butterflies X Northwind Dancer
CS-306 X White Stripe
Foxpoint X unknown mostly re bloomers
Admirals Gold X Awesome Bob
Bordello Queen X ? (5 parents)
Angelo's seedlings
Brigade of Butterflies X Magic of Oz
Brigade of Butterflies X Northwind Dancer
Brigade of Butterflies X Jan's Twister
Lady Neva X Skinwalker
Lady Neva X Gudrid
Lady Neva X Sexy Sally
Galaxy Explosion X Uforistic Gallery
Galaxy Explosion X Skinwalker
Wilson's Spider X Sexy Sally
Wilsons Spider X Northwind Dancer
Indian Giver X Rebekah's Gothis Spider
Indian Giver X Tylwyth Teg
Lord Trickster X Rock Around the Clock
Flying Trapeze X Megatron
Star of India X ?
Bill Marchand Bi-tone X Northwind Dancer
Yazoo Wild VioletX Ya Ya Girl X Morning Breaking
Choctaw Chick X unknown
Brigade of butterflies X Gudrid
Brigade of Butterflies X Orchid Forest
Brigade of Butterflies X Vampire Lestat
Loblolly Bethany X Webster's Pink wonder
True Whim X Lochness Monster
Ventian Boroque X You and Eye
Through the Looking Glass X Ada May Musick
Pine Belt Magic X Paper Butterflies
Spacecoast Tiny Perfection Xprincess Dianne
Bold Tiger X Ed Brown
Sambo Wilder X Indian Giver
Brigade of Butterflies X Stargate Portal
Brigade of Butterflies X Sexy Sally
Brigade of butterflies X Lola Braham
Best of Friends Sdlg X Starman's Quest
Best of Friends Sdlg X Persimmone
Best of Friends Sdlg X Orchid Forest
Trahlyta X Dream Queen
Trahylya X Orchid Forest
Gentle Blessings X Northwind Dancer
Gentle Blessings X Lola Braham
Taunting Tapestry X Vampire Lestat
Taunting Tapestry X Orchid Forest
Taunting Tapestry X Lavendar Handlebars
Twylth Teg X Lola Braham
Twylyth Teg X Gudrid
Indian Giver X Rebekah's Gothis Spider
Indian Giver X Lola Braham
Indian Giver X Lavender Blue Baby
Trahlyta X Purple Satellite
Trahlyta X Twylyth Teg
Sdlg Lighthouse Exotic Banquet X Magic of Oz
Sdlg Lighthouse Exotic Banquet X Persimmone
Sdlg Lighthouse Exotic Banquet X Vampire Lestat
Indian Giver X Stargate Portal
Indian Giver X Vampire Lestat
Royal Flycatcher X Firestorm
Lancelot of France X Mapping Carolina
Final Touch X Mapping Carolina
Oceanside X Mapping Carolina
Oceanside X Northwind Dancer
Oceanside X Sexy Sally
Oceanside X Gudrid
H.Altissima X Cowboy Scarf
H. Thunbergii X Magic of Oz
Sdlg 44 X heavenly Curls
Lilting Lavender X Stargate Eclipse
Statuesque X Mahukona
Christine Reilly X Iroquois Maiden
Royal Kaleidescope X Attack Lizard
Lobo Lucy X Royal Flycatcher
Iroquois Maiden X Monacan Trail
FirestormX Holly DancerX Pack Hunter
Ojo de Dios X Gudrid
Rosy Purple Oddity X Orchid Forest
Radiation Biohazard X Nyriagongo
Golliwog X Swamp Apparition
Isolde X Purple Satellite
Regal Giant X Thoralla
Persiflage X Thorhalla
Damsel in Distress X Belladonna Starfish
Persiflage X Gudrid
Purple Architecture X Orchid Forest
Violet Explosion X Winged Being
Oceanside X Purple Satellite
Chief Blackhand X Orchid Forest
Bejeweled X Bengali Princess
Sir Wilfordx Stack the DeckX Purple Satellite
Aniakchat X Finger Lake
Volcan Fuego X Asiatic Pheasant
Nyriagongo X Magic Age
Orchid Jungle X Isolde
Grey Witch X Thorhalla
Pointsettia X Pack Hunter
Thorhalla X Tie Dye Illusion
Maude Peacock X Thorhalla
Caramba X Royal Flycatcher
Chief Blackhand X Pack Hunter
Avis Jean X Winged Being
Purple Architecture X Thorhalla
Million to One X Bengalli Princess
Starman's Quest X Gudrid
Wild One X Open Hearth X Winged Being
Bagane X Cherokee Vision
Black Arrowhead X Packhunter
Purple Sdlg (Ktomi)X Gudrid X
Vulcon Fuego X Erin Farmer
Birdwing Butterfly X Orchid Forest
Foxhaven Enigma X Royal Flycatcher
Birdwing Butterfly X Pack Hunter
Sincere Prayer X Winged Being
Firestorm X Royal Flycatcher
Winged Being X Erin Farmer
Royal Kalidescope X Purple Satellite
Damsel In Distress X Orchid Jungle
Volcan Fuego X Cabbage Butterfly
Blue Lustre X Gudrid
Cornwall X Volcan Fuego
Volcan Fuego X Squaredancers Curtsy

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